For Emergencies 24/7, call 203-562-4020
Our rates reflect the cost and maintenance of the infrastructure and treatment of the water we provide to our customers. Much of the water infrastructure we rely on today was installed after World War II, although some pipes in the ground date back to the late 1800s. The distribution system is a network of these pipes as well as water pumping stations and water storage tanks. All are carefully maintained to ensure the public water supply is available to customers around the clock, every day of the year.
We have adopted rules and regulations to ensure uniformity and fair practice to all customers consistent with the protection of the health and safety of the community we serve. The rules and regulations are intended to inform the public about the administrative procedures and technical requirements for obtaining connection to and maintaining service from the RWA.
Our rates reflect the cost and maintenance of the infrastructure and treatment of the water we provide to our customers. Much of the water infrastructure we rely on today was installed after World War II, although some pipes in the ground date back to the late 1800s. The distribution system is a network of these pipes as well as water pumping stations and water storage tanks. All are carefully maintained to ensure the public water supply is available to customers around the clock, every day of the year.
We have adopted rules and regulations to ensure uniformity and fair practice to all customers consistent with the protection of the health and safety of the community we serve. The rules and regulations are intended to inform the public about the administrative procedures and technical requirements for obtaining connection to and maintaining service from the RWA.