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Cutover “Freeze” (March 21-April 2)
Our RWA Connect online account portal, automated phone system, the Water Watch tool, and other RWA customer systems will not be available during this period. We will also suspend processing of transactions and cease customer alerts and notifications. Our representatives will have limited access to account information.
For your convenience, we will pause disconnections and interest charges during this time. Our phone lines will always remain open and RWA personnel will be available to respond to emergencies.
Scheduled Payments Will Be Canceled (March 22)
All Autopay and scheduled payments dated March 22 and after will be canceled. They will need to be rescheduled after the new system goes live. (We’ll send helpful reminders so you don’t fall behind.) As always, we will continue to accept payment by mail and at pay-in-person locations.
Autopay Customers
If you use our Autopay automated payment feature, no new scheduled payments will be accepted after Feb. 22. And we will accept no new Autopay enrollments as of March 1. After our new platform goes live on April 2, you will need to log in and enroll to set up automated payments.
Main and Ebill Customers
Billing by mail and Ebill will continue according to your preferences. However, payments will not be processed during the cutover period (March 21-April 2), and our online payment and pay-by-phone payment options will not be available. Payments will still be accepted by mail or at pay-in-person locations.
We encourage you to log in on or after April 2 to enroll in our new Autopay and explore our new platform’s online account features.
April 2: Our New Platform ‘Goes Live’
Your New Bill
Your first bill after April 2 should be a breath of fresh air, streamlined and easier to read. Click here to compare the new bill design with the old one.
If you are an Ebill paperless billing customer, you will continue to receive bill notices by email, and an electronic copy of the bill (PDF format) will now be attached to the notification emails.
Logging In to Your RWA Online Account
The first time you log in to our RWA online account platform on or after April 2, you’ll need to take the steps below. If you already have your April bill, we recommend you keep a copy handy for reference.
Setting Up Autopay
If you are an existing Autopay customer or want to set up automatic payments, follow the login instructions above to enter your account. Then, go to Account Settings to enroll in Autopay. In order to set up payments, you will also need to re-enter your bank or credit card information. (To protect your financial information, we did not carry this over from the old system.)
Third-Party Payments
Any payments you make via your bank or another financial service should continue without interruption. Your account number will not change, but we encourage you to check the information on file with your bank to ensure it matches what’s on your bill.